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Kibbudim Request Form

Please note:
1. Ohr HaTorah attempts to give all available aliyos and kibbudim to a Bar Mitzvah family unless there is another simcha or yahrtzeit in which case an equitable division of aliyos and baalei tefilah will be determined by the Gabbaim and the Rav.

2. Guest baalei tefilah must lead davening according to the minhagim, nusach and taam of our kehilah.  Ohr HaTorah maintains a yeshiva style davening with singing only at kel adon and kedusha on Shabbos Morning and only lecha dodi Friday night.  The baal tefilah should pause between each stanza of kel adon and lecha dodi so that they can be recited responsively. Carelbach style davening or Chazanus style davening is not our minhag.

3. All baalei tefilah and kibbudim are subject to the discretion of the gabbaim and the Rav.

4. Baalei tefilah and those receiving kibbudim should wear a jacket, tallis, and closed toe shoes.

5. It is our minhag to refrain from giving a father and son or two brothers consecutive aliyos. Please keep that in mind when filling out this form.

Please fill in the name of the person you'd like to receive each kibbud below:
(Leave blank if none)

Thu, October 3 2024 1 Tishrei 5785