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Shiva Committee

The shiva committee is coordinated by the Vaad HaGabbaim and can be contacted by submitting the form at the bottom of this page.


What to do

If there is a crisis or death in your family, please inform Rabbi Frank as soon as possible, so he can help provide information and activate volunteers/shul assistance.
Call Rabbi Frank at 301-801-7657 or email

  • Rabbi Frank can direct you with regards to proper treatment of the deceased, information about funeral homes, halachos of aninus and burial etc.
  • Rabbi Frank will also call the Bereavement Committee chairman to activate volunteers.
  • The chairman will be in touch with you or a family member to coordinate all the services the shul can provide.


What the Shiva Committee can provide/organize

  • Levaya (Funeral) set up (for Levaya to be held at Ohr HaTorah)
  • Announce burial information and shivah information
  • Set up Shivah House
    • Cover mirrors
    • Provide Sefer Torah, Shivah Chairs, Siddurim, Halachos of Mourning books
    • Setup chairs
  • Provide food
    • Seudah after burial (seudas havra’ah,) eggs for mourners etc.
    • Organize volunteers to cook and deliver meals during Shiva week
  • Shiva week assistance
    • Provide meals for mourners and, if necessary, help serving mourners
    • Organize Minyan -- Shiva minyanim organized by the Shul must follow the same laws and customs as minyanim in the Shul. The Rabbi or a designated Shul Gabbai will be available for any questions on these practices. The shul will send a gabbai for each minyan at the shiva house.



Contact the Vaad HaGabbaim below with any questions or to be added to their shiva committee volunteer list.

The Chesed Committee, upon request, will coordinate the seudas havra’ah and meals for the week of shiva. The chesed committee can be contacted by submitting the form below.

Contact the Vaad HaGabbaim


Contact the Chesed Committee


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784