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Arbah Minim 5785

All sets are aleph mehadrin min hamehadrin. Rabbi Frank meticulously hand checks every single esrog and lulav.

Chinuch sets are not halachically recommended for post-bar mitzvah aged boys or adults.

If you are a member, please login to your ShulCloud account prior to filling out the form. There is an additional $5 fee for nonmembers.

Order Deadline: Tuesday, October 1

Pick-up is going to be in the reformatted format as last year to allow for less crowds and to provide a more relaxing and enjoyable selecting/pick up experience. As in years past, each person will be able to choose their own set if they want to. If you chose that option there will be one night to come and select your esrog and lulav on a first come first served basis. Haddasim and aravos will be bundled together for your convenience. Alternatively, a set can be selected for you. Please see the pick-up options below and select your preferred option.

Aravaos bundles for Hoshana Rabah are available for purchase. They will not be available until the morning of Hoshana Rabah and are designed for those individuals davening at Ohr HaTorah on Hoshana Rabah.

Thank you!

Please login to your Shulcloud account using the "Login" button the the top right to avoid the $5 nonmember fee.

Please select your donation amount above.

$85 per set.
$85 per set.
$105 per set.
Please note there is a limited selection of Chazon Ish esrogim to choose from when compared to the standard esrogim.
$40 per set.
$5 per set.
$12 per set.
$8 per bundle
Thu, October 3 2024 1 Tishrei 5785